The Sage

Inspiring knowledge and wisdom
Empathx Creative Sage

The Sage

Inspiring knowledge and wisdom

Sage archetype icon of owl

About the Sage

The Sage is a character defined by wisdom, expertise, and the pursuit of knowledge. Brands that embody the Sage archetype often inspire their customers with a sense of insight, learning, and the quest for understanding. This archetype appeals to individuals who value education, wisdom, and the continuous search for truth.

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Goals of the Sage

  • Wisdom
  • Education
  • Clarity
  • Knowledge

Voice of the Sage

  • Calm
  • Self-Improvement
  • Insightful
  • Empowerment

Fears of the Sage

  • Ignorance
  • Misinformation
  • Lack of Understanding
  • Stagnation

Examples of Sage Brands

The Sage archetype speaks to the power of wisdom, knowledge, and the pursuit of insight in our lives. Brands that embrace this archetype aim to inspire their customers to seek wisdom, value education, and make informed decisions. They emphasize the idea that knowledge, education, and understanding are essential for personal growth and making well-informed choices.

National Geographic logo

National Geographic embodies the Sage archetype by promoting knowledge, exploration, and the quest for understanding the world. It appeals to those who value wisdom and education.

TED logo

TED, through its thought-provoking talks and conferences, inspires individuals to seek knowledge and insight on a wide range of topics, aligning with the Sage’s goals of wisdom and education.

NY Times logo

The New York Times, a respected news source, emphasizes the importance of clarity, truth, and knowledge in journalism, appealing to those who value insight and empowerment through information.

Empathx Creative sage examples
Empathx Creative sage examples

Read more about each of the archetypes.

Innocent archetype icon of lotus blossom

The Innocent

Sage archetype icon of owl

The Sage

Explorer archetype icon of compass

The Explorer

Outlaw archetype icon of axe

The Outlaw

Magician archetype icon of magic wand

The Magician

Hero archetype icon of helmut

The Hero

Lover archetype icon of bow and arrow

The Lover

Jester archetype icon of jester hat

The Jester

Everyperson archetype icon of handshake

The Every Person

Caregiver archetype icon of two hearts

The Caregiver

Ruler archetype icon of crown

The Ruler

Creator archetype icon of a palette

The Creator

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