The Every Person

Relatable and authentic
Empathx Creative Every Person

The Every Person

Relatable and authentic

Everyperson archetype icon of handshake

About the Every Person

Often referred to as the Regular Guy/Gal or Common Man, is an archetype that resonates with the everyday experiences, struggles, and aspirations of ordinary people. Brands that embody the Every Person archetype prioritize relatability, authenticity, and a down-to-earth connection with their audience. This archetype appeals to those who value brands that understand and address the common challenges and desires shared by many.

Every brand has a personality. Have you defined yours?
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Goals of the Every Person

  • Relatability
  • Authenticity
  • Simplicity
  • Empowerment

Voice of the Every Person

  • Conversational Tone
  • Honesty
  • Empathy
  • Down-to-Earth

Fears of the Every Person

  • Isolation
  • Insincerity
  • Complexity
  • Loss of Understanding

Examples of Every Person Brands

The Every Person archetype speaks to the shared experiences and desires of ordinary people. Brands that embrace this archetype prioritize relatability, authenticity, and a connection with their audience. They aim to make their customers feel understood, supported, and empowered to tackle everyday challenges and opportunities.

Ikea logo

IKEA’s marketing and branding emphasize affordable and accessible home furnishings for the everyday person. Their messaging is down-to-earth and relatable.

Target logo

Target’s branding focuses on providing affordable, stylish products for everyday living, making their stores and products relatable to the general population.

Costco logo

Costco appeals to the Every Person by offering bulk products at discounted prices, emphasizing practicality, and value.

Empathx Creative every person examples
Empathx Creative every person examples

Read more about each of the archetypes.

Innocent archetype icon of lotus blossom

The Innocent

Sage archetype icon of owl

The Sage

Explorer archetype icon of compass

The Explorer

Outlaw archetype icon of axe

The Outlaw

Magician archetype icon of magic wand

The Magician

Hero archetype icon of helmut

The Hero

Lover archetype icon of bow and arrow

The Lover

Jester archetype icon of jester hat

The Jester

Everyperson archetype icon of handshake

The Every Person

Caregiver archetype icon of two hearts

The Caregiver

Ruler archetype icon of crown

The Ruler

Creator archetype icon of a palette

The Creator

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