The Innocent

Embracing simplicity and hope
Empathx Creative Innocent

The Innocent

Embracing simplicity and hope

Innocent archetype icon of lotus blossom

About the Innocent

In the world of brand archetypes, the Innocent is a character marked by purity, simplicity, and a fundamental belief in the goodness of the world. Brands that embody the Innocent archetype often appeal to customers through themes of optimism, nostalgia, and trust. This archetype resonates with consumers who seek a break from the complexities of life and a return to a simpler, more hopeful perspective.

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Goals of the Innocent

  • Upliftment
  • Trustworthiness
  • Simplicity
  • Nostalgia

Voice of the Innocent

  • Optimism
  • Simplicity
  • Innocence
  • Trustworthiness

Fears of the Innocent

  • Cynicism
  • Deception
  • Complexity
  • Loss of Hope

Examples of Innocent Brands

The Innocent archetype speaks to the innate human desire for a simpler, more optimistic perspective on life. Brands that embody this archetype provide their customers with a sense of nostalgia, purity, and trust. They transport their audience to a more innocent time, offering hope and positivity in a complex world.

Coca Cola logo

Coca-Cola’s iconic Christmas ads, featuring Santa Claus and polar bears, evoke a strong sense of innocence and nostalgia, with a message of unity and happiness.

Dove logo

Dove’s messaging and branding focus on simplicity and purity. Their products are often marketed as gentle, mild, and suitable for sensitive skin.

Aveeno logo

Aveeno’s branding often carries messages of nurturing and care for the skin. Their products are designed to soothe and provide relief to those with skin concerns, and their marketing campaigns often emphasize a nurturing and caring approach.

Empathx Creative innocent examples

Read more about each of the archetypes.

Innocent archetype icon of lotus blossom

The Innocent

Sage archetype icon of owl

The Sage

Explorer archetype icon of compass

The Explorer

Outlaw archetype icon of axe

The Outlaw

Magician archetype icon of magic wand

The Magician

Hero archetype icon of helmut

The Hero

Lover archetype icon of bow and arrow

The Lover

Jester archetype icon of jester hat

The Jester

Everyperson archetype icon of handshake

The Every Person

Caregiver archetype icon of two hearts

The Caregiver

Ruler archetype icon of crown

The Ruler

Creator archetype icon of a palette

The Creator

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